Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cartoon Hero and Media Hunter: Fairy Tail x Rave

Cartoon Hero and Media Hunter: Fairy Tail x Rave from Eli Stone on Vimeo.

What better way to review a crossover than with a crossover? Join me and The Media Hunter as we take on Fairy Tail x Rave!


  1. I think there was a mistranslation with the Subtitles. I'm certain I heard "Medal" instead of "Metal", which makes more sense to me.

  2. I know this review is old, but I felt like revisiting it today. I'm not really familiar with either of these series * but they look fun. Where can I watch them? Preferably dubbed- I have a hard time with subtitles. I'm pretty sure I've seen the Fairy Tail manga at B&N.

    * barring the Rave Master English opening, which I'd love to know what you two think of it.

  3. 11:53: Either that, or he's a Greeed.
