Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Cartoon Hero Episode 300: Naruto Shippuden

Part 1:

The Cartoon Hero Episode 300: Naruto Shippuden (Part 1) from Eli Stone on Vimeo.

Part 2:

The Cartoon Hero Episode 300: Naruto Shippuden (Part 2) from Eli Stone on Vimeo.

It's finally time for the Hero's grudge match with one of his childhood obsessions...but will he survive the ordeal?


  1. this something the last movie it reveal that reason talk hinata about her for him and the reason Naruto does not understand the concept of romantic love, thinking that Hinata's love for him was like his love of ramen. Considering that he never had the unconditional affection that most people had with their families due to being both an orphan and the village pariah for most of his childhood, this actually makes a lot of sense.

    1. That's stupid. He knew full well what romantic feelings and love are when Sakura tried lying to him.

  2. OMG, YES!!! i have waited so long for this video to upload. Thx you :)

  3. Naruto isn't stupid, but he is an idiot.

  4. I tried watching Naruto Shippuden over a decade ago, and I was baffled by the first episode. A few years later, I read the Manga, which wasn't finished yet. And I discovered I was rightfully confused, because as you pointed out, the first episode contained nonsensical filler in the first half that was put in so the folks producing the show could cut to Sasuke straight away.

    I would've put in Hinata right away, but that's my preference.
