Monday, April 4, 2022

Patreon Request: Bungo Stray Dogs Review

Patreon Request: Bungo Stray Dogs Review from Brand New Heroes on Vimeo.

Originally a Patreon request by Julia W. 

If you are a fan of this show, I'm sorry...but I couldn't get into it at all. 


  1. To quote many a British News Broadcaster: "Yikes..."

  2. If you wanna keep taking shots at the guy; how about "Bitch Lasagne"?

  3. As a kid, I thought the word "Bungo" was in the lyrics of "Power Rangers Turbo, Go!" - "Power Rangers going Bungo!" Or "Power Rangers Go Bungo", is how I heard that as a kid. Also, since I brought it up: Power Rangers Turbo is a better show.
