Wednesday, January 23, 2019

My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) Review

My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) Review from Cartoon Hero on Vimeo.

The MLP Marathon concludes (for now) with the first time an MLP movie made it to the big screen in over 30 years!


  1. It's an annoyingly common misconception that Derpy was targeted by "Parents groups". No parents ever complained about Derpy, ever. That was soley down to a group of notable online bronies themselves that decided to go on a massive letter-writing campaign to the writers, often reaching them by social media to do so. I know bronies and fans of the show in general don't want to ever take any responsibility for the wrongdoing that ever comes from their own community, but the Derpy controversy was 100% down to upset adult fans of the show that felt disproportionately offended and were very vocal about this and openly admitted they got together to do this.

    1. Making a lot of assumptions there, chief. I've called out bronies who did dumb shit before, I just legitimately thought that the Derpy thing was as a result of parent groups.

  2. I don't agree with you at all about the Storm King by the way. He did not "suck". His menace was very well stated, you just think it wasn't because he got a few "jokes" in there as well. But you're completely ignoring that this guy by reputation has already taken over at least a large portion of the world, and frankly, I found his "humor" to be more of the result of a disaffected tyrant and despot who clearly already has enough power to rule most of the known world, but still demands more and is literally weilder of a force of nature that is shown a few times to be ruthless in his attempts to gain anything he doesn't already have, even when it's clear he has nearly everything. I found him very intimidating during the chase for the staff, by what he's willing to do, and his reputation and merely the way they react to him. The show itself gives more context later on about how effective his iron grip was. So I can't agree. I think you were just negatively influenced because there were a total of two jokes he had. One being the "can't use a phone" joke and the other being him treating sun powers like a toy. Which I thought in itself, showed how power mad and unhinged the guy was.
    The rest of the time, he was plenty threatening. Both by reputation and on screen appearance.

    1. If you got more out of him than I did, more power to you. But I don't agree with you about him being intimidating, except in a few scenes. He's hardly there for most of the movie, and as for the fact that he's apparently conquered the kingdom, well 1. it's part of the kingdom we rarely see, and 2. Show, don't tell. Honestly, Tempest is in the forefront for most of this movie acting as the Storm King's captain, so she might as well be the main villain, albeit one who turns in the end.

      And if you have to have outside help from the show to add context to a villain who dies within the same movie he appears in, I don't think that's very good storytelling. But hey, that's just me.
