Tuesday, October 6, 2020

My Top 17 Least Favorite MLP:FiM Episodes

My Top 17 Least Favorite MLP:FiM Episodes from Cartoon Hero5 on Vimeo.

Before I send this show off on a high note, I wouldn't be a fair critic if I didn't talk about its lows... 

Edit: One of my Vimeo accounts has been blocked, and it happens to be the one with this episode on it. I dropped it on Google Drive here while I'm waiting to get it back: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RYegvwBwm7fD4f4K5gI-EDt-oyuru6tz/view


  1. your telling me that joshscorcher is a pedofile?!

    1. That's not what I said. I said he DEFENDED one--ToonKritic.

    2. But didn't he later cut off their friendship?

    3. i dont think you got the same message from his response video that other people did, his friends even jasper pie who from what i understand was close with kritic before the incident were nothing but words of kindness, if you got the info from a second hand source i'd understand but firebrand defending a scumbag like toon, i just dont see it hell even lightning bliss the purest cinnamon bun in the world was a commenter in his response vid and i doubt voice of reason or eliyora would still be willing to work with him on analyst anarchy if the info you got is right

  2. Learning what others did wrong, either due to poor decisions by the writer, the editor/director, or corporate mandate, can help one improve their own writing as much as working on what they did write. Finding the good stuff in bad works and bad stuff in good works is what I've been trying to do to improve my own storytelling. Nothing is perfect and few productions are irredeemable. (Not counting Irredeemable but that's the name of the comic.) Some people just love a show so much that they ignore the flaws out of some mistaken idea that it weakens the show or something, which is not the case.

  3. Josh vehemently disavowed his actions and even tried to get him sent to jail. I don't know where you got the idea that he defended him but that is nowhere near true

  4. Replies
    1. The Vimeo account it was uploaded to has been blocked. I disputed it with Vimeo support, but I dropped the video onto Google Drive, which can be seen in the post now.
